3- & 4-Year-Old Preschool Classroom
Emanuel Lutheran School offers a full preschool curriculum designed to prepare your child for Kindergarten and beyond. It includes pre-reading and pre-writing skills, as well as exploration of the world around us through math, science, art, music and movement. We discover God's love for us through Bible stories, songs and our interactions with each other. Learning about Jesus is part of everything we do.
Our Pre-school Day is from 7:45 am - 11 am with the 3-year-old class meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the 4-year-old class meeting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Here are a few things we do in our classroom.
Religion: Emanuel follows the Voyages Concordia Publishing House preschool religion curriculum. It brings bible stories and values to the preschool level through age-appropriate lessons and activities. At Emanuel, religion is not taught only during our Bible story time. Throughout our day we learn that Jesus is a friend who is with us all the time. We discover God's love and the wonders of His world during our work time and playtime.
Learning Centers: Our classroom is set up with learning centers which are open to the children at various times during the day. They have the opportunity to learn and practice math skills, Explore the world of science, and practice writing their letters and numbers. The children can enjoy music and stores on tape, build with blocks and express themselves through art and in the dramatic play area.
Letter of the Week: We introduce one letter each week during the school year. We do songs, learning activities, sign language and art projects to help us learn about that letter. The P4 class also practices their writing skills with letters and numbers.
Sharing Time: Each day, a child will bring home the "Sharing Bag." They can place an item in the bag to share with the class, or they can share a story/experience with us. This encourages the preschoolers to practice speaking in front of others in a way that is not so scary to them.
Snacks: Snacks are important part of our day as we practice our manners and thank Jesus for providing what we need. We ask each family to provide snacks for the class a couple of times during the year. Milk and Juice are also served each day at no cost to you.
Classroom Management: The number one rule in our classroom is "No one gets hurt...on the inside or the outside." We all work together to discover what this means, and the children are encouraged to talk about how they are feeling if a problem occurs. We discuss what they are doing and how they can do it differently. If 2 children are having a difficult time playing together, we talk about how Jesus would feel and act if he was here and help them work out a solution. It may be redirection to another activity, or they may need to be removed from the group for a few minutes. The children aren't made to feel ashamed by their behavior but are encouraged to make better choices in the future.
Preschool Room Daily Schedule
7:45 - 8:10 Learning Centers and Free Choice Activates
8:10 - 8:30 Circle Time - Calendar, Weather, Music
8:30 - 8:45 Jesus Time and Activity
8:45 - 9:05 Gym/Playground Time
9:05 - 9:30 Bathroom and Snack
9:30 - 9:40 Sharing Time
9:40 - 10:00 Letter Fun and Activity
10:00 - 10:45 Theme Story and Project Learning Center activities
10:45 - 11:00 Clean up, Closing Circle Time and Prayer
**P4 will go to Chapel at 7:45 on Fridays