Raise Right Scrip
Besides, God will give you his constantly overflowing kindness. Then, when you always have everything, you need, you can do more and more good things. -2 Corinthians 9:8
The Raise Right program is an important part of our fundraising at Emanuel Lutheran School. Also known as scrip fundraising, money is raised by using gift cards instead of cash or credit to pay for everyday purchases like groceries, gas, dining out, that morning coffee, even your family’s summer vacation. When you purchase gift cards though the Raise Right program retailers automatically donate a specified earnings/rebate percentage back to Emanuel Lutheran School.
Earnings Applied to Tuition Program
Emanuel Families are able to apply 50% of the Raise Right Scrip earnings towards tuition costs. It's a great way to reduce educational expenses while supporting our school.
How It Works:
Throughout the year, as families participate in the Raise Right Scrip program, they earn rebates on everyday purchases.
With the Earnings Applied to Tuition program, families now have the opportunity to apply 50% of their earned rebates towards the tuition costs for the upcoming school year.
This means that the more you participate in the program, the more you can potentially save on your child's education.
Benefits for Families:
An innovative way to offset tuition costs.
Turn everyday purchases into meaningful contributions towards your child's education.
Opportunity to save thousands of dollars on tuition by actively participating in the program.
Benefits for Our School:
Increased participation in the Raise Right Scrip program, leading to higher earnings for our school.
Enhanced community engagement as families work together towards a common goal.
A sustainable way to raise funds for various school initiatives.
Raise Right Quick Information
Emanuel's unique enrollment code is 9FB4A66C631L
Contact us at raiseright@emanuelschool.org
Emanuel’s Raise Right Earnings Applied to Tuition Program FAQs & Tips
Q. What is the Raise Right ‘Scrip” Program?
The Raise Right program is an important part of our fundraising here at Emanuel Lutheran School. Also known as scrip fundraising, you raise money by using gift cards instead of cash or credit to pay for everyday purchases like groceries, gas, dining out, that morning coffee addiction, even your family’s summer vacation.
Q. Why should I participate in the Raise Right Scrip program?
Scrip is a painless way our school can generate additional revenue without conducting a traditional fundraiser.
It’s a no-brainer. There are no meetings, no setup, no cleanup. It’s an easy, year-round fundraiser that doesn’t require families to spend any additional money.
Shopping with gift cards is practical, simple, and doesn't burden friends and family with selling things and buying things they don’t want.
It’s easy—and it works. By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, each participant in your program can earn over $1,000 each year. No selling. No extra time. No extra money. There’s a reason it’s been a top fundraiser for schools, churches, bands, sports teams, and many others for more than 25 years.
Q. How does the Raise Right Program Work?
A. When you purchase gift cards though the Raise Right program retailers automatically donate a specified earnings/rebate percentage back to Emanuel Lutheran School.
For example, if you purchase gift cards for everyday items (such as groceries, gas, fast food, etc.), you easily earn rebates for Emanuel Lutheran School.
Kwik Trip 4%
Kwik Trip Grocery 10%
Starbucks 4.5%
Home Depot 4%
Buffalo Wild Wings 8%
Stitch Fix 6%
Q. What are my incentives for using Raise Right gift cards?
Emanuel Lutheran school will offer earnings applied to tuition program where you can apply 50% of the earnings generated from your scrip orders to your next school year's tuition.
50% of earnings rebates that you raise can be applied toward a student or a family’s tuition account.
50% of earnings rebates that you raise will go to Emanuel Lutheran School
If you decide to donate 100% of your earnings to the school 50% of them are tax deductible.
Q. How do I sign up for the Earnings applied to Tuition for an Emanuel student?
Complete the Raise Right Family Scrip designation form. This will give us everything we need to get you set up to earn. Throughout the year 50% of the rebates you earn will be applied to your tuition due for the next school year.
The Raise Right Family Scrip designation form can be found on the Emanuel Website.
Once the form is filled out, you can email them to the Scrip coordinator at raiseright@emanuelschool.org or drop it off in the Emanuel Lutheran School office.
If no form is filled out 100% of the earnings will go to Emanuel Lutheran School.
Q. Can family members or friends participate and contribute toward our family’s tuition reduction?
Yes! Simply make certain your family members or friends fill out a family scrip designation form to indicate that their 50% of earnings generated should go towards your family’s account. You can also include their order with your family order form.
Q. How often are my earnings applied to Tuition?
Earnings are applied to Tuition once per year. Your earnings will be subtracted from your tuition account and will be reflected on your beginning of the year tuition total.
Q. When is the Scrip Year?
The Emanuel Lutheran schools Scrip year runs from July 1st to the end of June. We do this to better coordinate with the school year and allow us to apply any earnings to tuition for the next school year.
Q. How do I get started with Raise Right Scrip?
Complete the quick sign-up form on either the Raise Right website or Mobile app. Download the Raise Right app or visit Raiseright.com/enroll and select “Join a program.”
Enter Emanuel’s unique enrollment code to tie your earnings to Emanuel. 9FB4A66C631L
Complete fields to create account & enter and verify 2-step verification.
Set up online payment if wanting to pay online.
Q. What are the gift card options?
E-gift Cards, Physical Gift Cards and Reloadable Gift Cards are available.
E-gift cards – Available on your computer or mobile device within minutes of purchase. E-gift cards can be saved on your Raise right App, printed, or emailed to a recipient.
Physical gift cards – These are plastic, Credit-card style gift cards that get swiped at a register when you check out.
Reloadable gift cards – Purchase a physical gift card from Raise Right Scrip and set it on your raise right App to reload instantly.
Q. How can I order Scrip?
A. There are several ways to order scrip. Physical Gift Cards that can be shipped to home or to School. E-gift Cards on your phone that you can email to a recipient. Reloadable gift cards are also options.
Physical Cards can be ordered through the school by dropping off an order form with Payment.
Orders are Due the Second Monday of each month. Physical order forms can be found on the school website, or in the school entrance. Orders will be sent home with your child unless you specify that it should not.
Physical Cards can be ordered through the Raise right App.
Physical cards can be ordered through the raise right application and sent to your home or sent to Emanual Lutheran School.
Ship to home: you can choose to get these physical gift cards mailed directly to your door when you pay online. A small shipping fee applies.
Ship to your coordinator is available for all physical gift cards. These orders are combined as part of our group order monthly.
E-gift Cards are delivered to the app within seconds.
View them in your wallet on the App. Scrip eGift Cards are electronic gift cards you can buy and receive instantly. You can use them for online purchases, print them, email them, or redeem them from your phone when you're on the go using the RaiseRight app.
Reloadable funds on a Physical card.
You can order a reloadable physical gift card from Raise right, which you can add funds from your Raise right App when your balance is low.
Over 120 retailer brands offer Reload now or reload that will add funds to your card immediately, so you will not have to wait for a new card to ship to shop with scrip. Emanuel will receive a percentage of the reload amount.
For all other questions please feel free to email us at Raiseright@emanuelschool.org